What's a single-family rental owner's responsibility? Single-family rental property owners have many duties. Key tasks include: Maintaining the property: You must take care of it. Repairs, cleaning, and upkeep are included. Health and safety requirements, fair housing rules, and landlord-tenant laws must be followed. Screening tenants: You must check tenants' credit, criminal history, job, and income. Collecting rent and security deposit: Follow the lease agreement and local rules when collecting rent and security deposit. Safe and habitable living environment: The rental property must include working appliances, plumbing, electrical, and heating systems. Responding to tenant maintenance requests: Respecting tenant privacy: Never enter a renter's rented unit without permission. Protecting tenant security deposit: You must appropriately handle and use the security deposit only for lawful purposes like unpaid rent or property damages. Ending the tenancy: You must give due notice and perform a proper move-out inspection.

Landlord responsibilities in Prince George’s County, MD


Many people who own single-family rental homes always ask a very important question: What are my responsibilities as a Single Family Rental Owner? As the owner of a single-family rental home, you have a number of responsibilities when it comes to managing the home. Landlord is responsible for making sure your rental unit meets Maryland and/or Washington DC health and safety laws. This includes keeping common areas clean, providing a safe environment and making sure the property is structurally sound. this improves the quality of your investment.

Replace light bulbs

The landlord is responsible for replacing light bulbs in the building. If you find a burned out light bulb, let the landlord know right away so they can replace it.

If you’re moving into an apartment and there are already some lights that don’t work, this could be an indication of a larger problem with your new home’s electricity system. Make sure to check all of your switches and outlets before signing any lease agreements!

Shovel sidewalks

As a landlord, you are required to clear snow from sidewalks within 24 hours after the end of a snowstorm. You are not responsible for clearing ice or snow from steps or porches.

You are also not responsible for clearing snow from driveways. However, if you want to be kind and help out your tenants during icy weather conditions, we recommend using salt instead of shovels so that it doesn’t damage their cars when they park there later on!

Pest Control

Some single-family rental owners provide one-year pest control to new tenants as an added perk to the lease. However, tenants typically are responsible for pest control, knowing that pest issues are caused by not properly cleaning or leaving out food, trash, hoarding, etc. Though appropriate maintenance should be taken care of as it pertains to the landlord.

  • Use an exterminator.
  • Keep the unit clean.
  • Have a lid-closing trash can.
  • Keep your kitchen sinks clean before going to sleep for the night.
  • Keep pets out of the unit.
  • Don’t leave food sitting out, as this can attract pests and rodents to your home!
  • Don’t let garbage sit around; throw it away instead!

If you have a flea problem in your Prince George’s County, MD apartment or home that has been caused by another tenant or landlord negligence, do not tell them about it!

Check smoke detectors

It’s a good idea to check the smoke detectors in your property at least once a year. You should also test them and change their batteries every six months.

If you have a tenant, they are responsible for changing the batteries in their own units; however, if you have an issue with one of your tenants’ smoke detectors, they must report it to you immediately so that it can be replaced or repaired by an electrician.

Clean chimney and vents

  • Clean the chimney. The best way to clean a chimney is by using a brush and rope, but if you don’t want to do that, you can use an appliance cleaner instead. You should also check any vents in the house for damage or blockage every few months and make sure they are clear of debris as well.
  • Repair damaged equipment if needed. If your equipment has been damaged by water or other substances (such as soot), then it may need some repairs before being used again–or even replaced entirely! Call an emergency plumber if this happens at all; they’ll be able to assess your situation quickly and efficiently so that nothing else gets ruined while waiting around until someone comes out later on down the road later today or tomorrow morning after work hours when they’re not busy doing other things like sleeping because everyone else already left already anyway so what’s left now? Just me here right now…

Clear gutters of debris twice yearly

Gutters should be cleaned of debris at least twice a year, before the first heavy rain of the season and again in the fall. The purpose of clearing gutters is to prevent blockages that could lead to leaks and more serious damage.

Repair leaky faucets, toilets and piping

If you have a leaky faucet or toilet in your rental unit, the landlord is responsible for repairing it. If you try to do it yourself, you might be evicted.

If your landlord refuses to fix something that needs repair, or if he/she does not respond when you report a problem with the property (like broken windows or malfunctioning appliances), then call 311 and ask for assistance from the city’s housing department (HPD). HPD can help set up an appointment with a repair person who can make necessary repairs at no cost to you.

You may also choose to pay for repairs yourself and ask the landlord later for reimbursement if they do not reimburse themselves within 30 days of being asked by mail or email request from either party involved in this situation.”

Keep common areas clean and hazard-free

  • Cleaning: Landlords are responsible for keeping common areas clean and hazard-free. This includes cleaning up spills, removing trash and debris, sweeping or vacuuming floors, mopping floors if necessary, cleaning windows inside and out (including both sills and screens), replacing burnt out light bulbs, etc.
  • Hazard-free: Landlords should also make sure that their properties are free from any hazards that could cause injury to occupants or damage to property. This includes making sure there aren’t any exposed wires or sharp edges on furniture or walls; having appropriate smoke detectors installed in every room; having carbon monoxide detectors installed near sleeping areas; providing adequate lighting throughout the house/apartment so people can see what they’re doing; etc..

Pay for heat, hot water, pest control and trash collection when required by law.

Your landlord is responsible for paying for heat, hot water, pest control and trash collection when required by law.

In Maryland:

  • Landlords are required to provide a safe and habitable dwelling unit. This means that the rental property must be fit for human habitation at all times. This includes providing adequate heat if it’s cold outside (at least 68 degrees Fahrenheit). You should also have working smoke detectors as well as running water and functioning toilets.
  • Landlords aren’t required to provide electricity or gas; however, these utilities may be included in your lease agreement or covered by an additional fee from your landlord (such as an electric bill). If you think your utility costs are too high compared with those of other tenants in similar apartments nearby, then talk with someone from Legal Aid Society Prince George’s County Inc., who can help you figure out what options might be available based on your situation.

Your landlord is responsible for making sure your rental unit meets Maryland and/or Washington DC health and safety laws.

In Maryland, landlords are required to make sure that their rental units meet MD health and safety laws. They must also provide certain things like heat and electricity. If your landlord fails to meet these requirements, you can file a complaint with the Office of the State’s Attorney or other appropriate agency.


Hopefully, this article has helped you better understand Your responsibilities as a Single Family Rental Owner or Landlord. It’s important to keep in mind that these laws are here for a reason: to protect your health and safety! If you have any questions about what your rights are as a tenant in Prince George’s County, MD, contact us at (301) 796-7800.

As a professional and highly ranked property management company in Prince George’s County and the DC Metro Area, we can assist all listed areas above and more.

Contact us today for more information and free consultation.

